Photo of Macovei Dorin Romania

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Dorin Macovei , visual artist , professionist painter.

Borned 16.03.1961 , Iasi , Romania.

Graduate of Art High School, promotion 1980, in Easel Painting , professor Gheorghe Velea .

Graduate of Orthodox Theology in Alexandru Ioan Cuza University , profile...

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27.56 x 39.37 in

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Photo of Macovei Dorin Romania

Dorin Macovei , visual artist , professionist painter.

Borned 16.03.1961 , Iasi , Romania.

Graduate of Art High School, promotion 1980, in Easel Painting , professor Gheorghe Velea .

Graduate of Orthodox Theology in Alexandru Ioan Cuza University , profile Sacred Arts , section church painting, in 2009 .

Licensed in 2009 , with license theme „Techniques of mural painting” , guided by : painter Lect. Dr. Stelian Onica and Lect. Dr. G.M.Dominte.

Degree in masters - Cultural Heritage.

Exhibitions :

1982, Personal exhibition of painting, C. I .Ch. Bacau , Romania.

During 1982- 1990, groups participations, Exhibitions of painting, Bacau and Iasi, Romania.

Participant at Creations Camp , Berzunti, Bacau, Romania.

2009, 16 may, Iasi, participant at the 5 -th edition of Night of the Museums, workshop of church painting and Exhibition of Sacred Arts - hold by Unirii Museum in Iasi during 16- 31.05.2009.

2009, april, participant at Exhibition of Neobyzantine Art, Galata , Iasi

2009, 20 -30 november , participant at Exhibition of Byzantine Art ,, Icon - Art and Theology „ University „Al. I. Cuza ” , Orthodox Theology „Dumitru Staniloae ”, Iasi, Romania

2009 , 2 december , participant at the 6 - th edition of Icon exhibition „ Light from Light” organized at the „ Dormition of the Theotokos „ church in Galata, Iasi .

Active with paintings in private collections in country and foreign : Romania, France, Italy, Finland, Germany , Singapore, U.S.A

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